Source code for flask_ligand
"""flask-ligand microservice library package."""
# ======================================================================================================================
# Imports
# ======================================================================================================================
from __future__ import annotations
from flask import Flask
from flask_cors import CORS
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
from flask_ligand.cli import genclient
from flask_ligand import extensions, views
from flask_ligand.default_settings import flask_environment_configurator
# ======================================================================================================================
# Type Checking
# ======================================================================================================================
if TYPE_CHECKING: # pragma: no cover
from typing import Any, Tuple
from flask_ligand.extensions.api import Api
# ======================================================================================================================
# Globals
# ======================================================================================================================
__version__ = "0.8.1"
# ======================================================================================================================
# Functions: Public
# ======================================================================================================================
[docs]def create_app(
flask_app_name: str,
flask_env: str,
api_title: str,
api_version: str,
openapi_client_name: str,
**kwargs: Any,
) -> Tuple[Flask, Api]:
Create Flask application.
flask_app_name: This name is used to find resources on the filesystem, can be used by extensions to improve
debugging information and a lot more. So it's important what you provide one. If you are using a
single module, ``__name__`` is always the correct value. If you however are using a package, it's usually
recommended to hardcode the name of your package.
flask_env: Specify the environment to use when launching the flask app. Available environments:
``prod``: Configured for use in a production environment.
``stage``: Configured for use in a development/staging environment.
``local``: Configured for use with a local Flask server.
``testing``: Configured for use in unit testing.
``cli``: Configured for use in a production environment without initializing extensions. (Use for CI/CD)
api_title: The title (name) of the API to display in the OpenAPI documentation.
api_version: The semantic version for the OpenAPI client.
openapi_client_name: The package name to use for generated OpenAPI clients.
kwargs: Additional settings to add to the configuration object or overrides for unprotected settings.
A tuple with a fully configured Flask application and an Api ready to register additional Blueprints.
RuntimeError: Attempted to override a protected setting, specified an additional setting that was not all
uppercase or the specified environment is invalid.
app = Flask(flask_app_name)
CORS(app, expose_headers=["x-pagination", "etag"]) # TODO: this needs to be configurable! [271]
flask_environment_configurator(app, flask_env, api_title, api_version, openapi_client_name, **kwargs)
api = extensions.create_api(app, True if flask_env == "cli" else False)
return app, api