Source code for flask_ligand.extensions.api

"""Api extension initialization

Override base classes here to allow painless customization in the future.

# ======================================================================================================================
# Imports
# ======================================================================================================================
from __future__ import annotations
import flask

# noinspection PyPackageRequirements
import marshmallow as ma
from http import HTTPStatus
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

# noinspection PyPackageRequirements
from flask_sqlalchemy.query import Query as QueryOrig
from marshmallow_sqlalchemy import SQLAlchemyAutoSchema
from flask_smorest import Api as ApiOrig, Blueprint as BlueprintOrig, Page

# ======================================================================================================================
# Type Checking
# ======================================================================================================================
if TYPE_CHECKING:  # pragma: no cover
    from typing import Optional, Any

# ======================================================================================================================
# Globals
# ======================================================================================================================
ISO_8601_DATETIME_FMT = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ"  # This is acceptable in ISO 8601 and RFC 3339

# ======================================================================================================================
# Functions: Public
# ======================================================================================================================
[docs]def abort(http_status: HTTPStatus, message: Optional[str] = None) -> None: """Raise a HTTPException for the given ``http_status``. Attach any keyword arguments to the exception for later processing. Args: http_status: A valid HTTPStatus enum which will be used for reporting the HTTP response status and code. message: Custom message to return within the body or a default HTTP status message will be returned instead. Raises: werkzeug.exceptions.HTTPException: An exception containing the HTTP status code and custom message if supplied. """ message = message if message else http_status.phrase flask.abort( flask.make_response( flask.jsonify( code=http_status.value,, message=message, ), http_status, ) )
# ====================================================================================================================== # Classes: Public # ======================================================================================================================
[docs]class Blueprint(BlueprintOrig): """ :class:`Blueprint <flask_smorest.Blueprint>` override example. See comments below on how to create a custom converter for your schemas. """
# Define custom converter to schema function # def customconverter2paramschema(converter): # return {'type': 'custom_type', 'format': 'custom_format'}
[docs]class Api(ApiOrig): """ Extension of the :class:`flask_smorest.Api <flask_smorest.Api>` main class which provides helpers to build a REST API using Flask. Using this extension will automatically enable an "Authorize" button to the SwaggerUI docs. Args: app: Flask application spec_kwargs: kwargs to pass to internal APISpec instance. The ``spec_kwargs`` dictionary is passed as kwargs to the internal APISpec instance. **flask-smorest** adds a few parameters to the original parameters documented in :class:`apispec.APISpec <apispec.APISpec>` """ def __init__(self, app: Optional[flask.Flask] = None, *, spec_kwargs: Optional[dict[str, Any]] = None): super().__init__(app, spec_kwargs=spec_kwargs) # This adds an "Authorize" button to the SwaggerUI docs configured for custom "bearerAuth" doc decorators. self.spec.components.security_scheme("bearerAuth", {"type": "http", "scheme": "bearer", "bearerFormat": "JWT"})
[docs]class Schema(ma.Schema): """ Extend :class:`Schema <marshmallow.Schema>` to automatically exclude unknown fields and enforce ordering of fields in the :swagger-ui:`SwaggerUI documentation <>`. """ class Meta(ma.Schema.Meta): unknown = ma.EXCLUDE ordered = True
[docs]class AutoSchema(SQLAlchemyAutoSchema): """ Extend :class:`SQLAlchemyAutoSchema <marshmallow_sqlalchemy.SQLAlchemyAutoSchema>` to include the foreign key, automatically raise an exception when unknown fields are specified, enforce ordering of fields in the :swagger-ui:`SwaggerUI and enforce the use of ISO-8601 for datetime fields. documentation <>`. """ class Meta(SQLAlchemyAutoSchema.Meta): include_fk = True unknown = ma.RAISE ordered = True datetimeformat = ISO_8601_DATETIME_FMT def update(self, obj: Any, data: Any) -> None: loadable_fields = [k for k, v in self.fields.items() if not v.dump_only] for name in loadable_fields: setattr(obj, name, data.get(name)) # FIXME: This does not respect allow_none fields @ma.post_dump def remove_none_values(self, data: dict[Any, Any], **_: dict[Any, Any]) -> dict[Any, Any]: return {key: value for key, value in data.items() if value is not None}
[docs]class SQLCursorPage(Page): """:doc:`SQL cursor pager used for paginated endpoints. <flask-smorest:pagination>`""" @property def item_count(self) -> int: return self.collection.count() # type: ignore
[docs]class Query(QueryOrig): # type: ignore """ Enable customized REST JSON error messages for 'get_or_404' and 'first_or_404' methods for :class:`Query <flask_sqlalchemy.query.Query>`. """
[docs] def get_or_404(self, ident: object, description: Optional[str] = None) -> Any: """Like `get` but aborts with 404 if not found instead of returning ``None``. Args: ident: A scalar, tuple, or dictionary representing the primary key. For a composite (e.g. multiple column) primary key, a tuple or dictionary should be passed. description: Override default 404 status code message with a custom message instead. """ rv = self.get(ident) if rv is None: abort(HTTPStatus(404), message=description) return rv
[docs] def first_or_404(self, description: Optional[str] = None) -> Any: """Like 'first' but aborts with 404 if not found instead of returning ``None``. Args: description: Override default 404 status code message with a custom message instead. """ rv = self.first() if rv is None: abort(HTTPStatus(404), message=description) return rv