============ flask-ligand ============ .. rstcheck: ignore-substitutions=version Release v\ |version| (:ref:`Changelog `) .. include:: ../README.rst :start-after: excerpt-start :end-before: excerpt-end Why not Use FastAPI Instead? ---------------------------- This library mimics many of the features of `FastAPI`_, well, because `FastAPI`_ is really good! However, the :doc:`Flask ` ecosystem is much larger than `FastAPI`_ giving many more options when it comes to high quality extensions. The one large advantage `FastAPI`_ has over :doc:`Flask ` currently is support for asynchronous I/O via `Starlette`_ which can improve performance dramatically. :doc:`Flask's asyncio journey ` has just started and :doc:`Quart ` most likely being the future for asyncio in the :doc:`Flask ` ecosystem. This library was inspired by FastAPI and I think anyone considering starting a greenfield microservice should give serious consideration to using `FastAPI`_. However, if you have an existing :doc:`Flask ` microservice needing an upgrade in feature set then this library brings together the best extensions that the :doc:`Flask ` ecosystem has to offer! If you're creating a greenfield microservice then this library lets you tap into a wide range of other :doc:`Flask extensions ` that will help you solve your problem(s) faster. Guides ====== .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 3 quickstart configuration openapi development auth0 Powered By ========== This library is powered by the following awesome projects: - :doc:`flask-smorest ` - :doc:`apispec ` - :doc:`marshmallow ` - :doc:`webargs ` - :doc:`flask-sqlalchemy ` - :doc:`flask-jwt-extended ` - :doc:`flask-cors ` - :doc:`flask-migrate ` - :doc:`marshmallow-sqlalchemy ` - :sqlalchemy:`SQLAlchemy ` - :doc:`sqlalchemy-utils ` .. toctree:: :hidden: :maxdepth: 3 api_reference .. toctree:: :hidden: :maxdepth: 1 changelog license authors .. _`FastAPI`: https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/ .. _`Starlette`: https://www.starlette.io/